Monday, November 17, 2014

Here are a bunch of pictures from the trip.
 I am afraid a few of them loaded out of order, so some might seem a little random, but here you go.
If I find the time, I'll try to go  back and do separate posts, 
organizing the pictures into groups and writing the story for each.
But we'll see :)
So for now, here are a bunch of pics. Enjoy!

(In general order below:
the first house church visit,
the 2nd house church = my feet -> red building,
our team pastor's church = the squatty potty!, the partor's house, the church,
2 school visits,
fun times with my new little guy friends,
the bridge to Vietnam,
the police station,
the rock quarry,
a police officer's home, 
the officer's elderly neighbor in hut,
our small team,
visiting Pol Pot's prison and killing fields,
our team of four from Boone,
and then the sequence repeats itself again -- the phone and camera pics apparently loaded separately although they were in one file--
There are also pics from home visits, another school, the bus driver getting saved, scenes from the countryside, a baptism celebration, dinner out in the city)